Habitats Volume 1 (Digital Copy)
A brand-new optimistic science-fiction magazine publishing uplifting short stories with beautiful illustration and photography, made with the highest quality print and materials. Published three times per year with no advertisements.
Seven short sci-fi stories, approximately 12,000 words.
Original opener illustration for each short story.
Cover illustration by acclaimed illustrator and background artist Mateusz Urbanowicz (Your Name, Weathering With You, Tokyo Storefronts).
Stories by Scott Ford, Emily Randolph-Epstein, Cody Smith, Emily Smith, Cameron Thomson, W. Ward, Sherry Yuan.
Story illustrations by Marc Aspinall, Nikoo Bafti, Calcium, Shirako, Oliver Ono, Nina Ramsey, Sabrina Weeks.
Digital PDF and EPUB copies, 120 pages.
Language: English
List price: £5.00